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Heracles and his 12 labours PART2

The  ten  labours signify the  10 months of  pregnancy  . At the end of  labour , an immortal  Heracles, the son of Zeus and Lato  was born  against the wishes of Hera. 


                                   3.  Capture the   Golden Hind of Artemis.


                                   In   Greek mythology, the   Ceryneian  Hind   also called    Cerynitis , was an enormous   hind   (deer), who lived in   Keryneia, Greece. It was sacred to   Artemis, the chaste goddess of the hunt, animals and unmarried women. It had golden antlers like a stag and hooves of bronze or brass, and it was said that it could outrun an arrow in flight. The capture of the hind was one of the labors   of   Heracles   (Hercules).



                                       Eurystheus   and   Hera   were greatly angered to find that Heracles had managed to escape from the claws of the   Nemean Lion   and the fangs of the   Lernaean Hydra, and so decided to spend more time thinking up a third task that would spell doom for the hero. The third task did not involve killing a beast, as it had already been established that Heracles could overcome even the most fearsome opponents, so Eurystheus decided to make him capture the female Ceryneian Hind, as it was so fast it could outrun an arrow.

                                                 Artemis is the corrupted form of the Tamil  name Arthi - Ma  or Orai Thee  Ma.   Artemis multiple breasts over her chest were  really the testicles. The presence of testicles over her chest indicates that   she was   really a hermophridite and   that is why  she could never   get married and  remained as a virgin!  She was the goddess of  hunt  being a good archer  since  her father was Zeus, the sun god and her mother was Leto , the Tamil Latha [ daughter of  Athitan or the Titan].  Hence she was natural inheritor of the arrow of the immortals.  She was sincere nurse supervising safe delivery of pregnant women to ensure that no child was born with the problem she had. She is the Tamil, Madurai [Ma thee orai]  Meenachi goddess as Meenachi, daughter of the Madurai king, also had three breasts. Meenachi could marry to the god Siva as the king's daughter could not marry a mortal man. Like Artemis, possessing a hind, Meenachi had a parrot over her left shoulder.  Artemis'  weapon is the arrow  and  the weapon for  Meenachi  is the sword.  Artemis was a  good hunter  and Meenachi  was  great warrior.

                                  The golden antlers and the brass hooves   of the Ceryneian hind  indicates that the hind itself is the  sun ray  or the fire flame or the arrow of the sun god.  That was the reason the hind could  outrun  an arrow [ of the mortal]  in flight. Since Artemis was  a  good  archer and the goddess of the hunt ,  she had with her the hind , the sacred arrow, the arrow of the immortal  in the form of the hind , the deer.  Symbolically deer represents fire , water and moon  and here the  it signifies  the  fire flame or the  arrow of the immortals.



                                After beginning the search, Heracles awoke from sleeping and he could see the hind from the glint on its antlers. Heracles then chased the hind on foot for a full year through   Greece,   Thrace,   Istria   and the land of the   Hyperboreans . In some versions, he captured the hind while it slept, rendering it   lame   with a trap net. In other versions, he encountered Artemis in her temple and she told him to leave the hind and tell Eurystheus all that had happened and his third labor would be considered to be completed. Yet another version claims that Heracles trapped the Hind with an arrow between the forelegs of the creature.

                                  A year long chase of the hind by Heracles would mean the time taken for the sun to undergo the winter solstice  when the sun god's legs become  lame  .  Istria is the corrupted form of the Tamil name , the kingdom of  Thiriyam.


                                  Eurystheus   had given Heracles this task hoping to incite Artemis' anger at Heracles for his desecration of her sacred animal. As he was returning with the hind, Heracles encountered Artemis and her brother   Apollo. He begged the goddess for forgiveness, explaining that he had to catch it as part of his penance, but he promised to return it. Artemis forgave him, foiling Eurystheus' plan to have her punish him.


                           Since Artemis  knew that Heracles was an immortal , son of the sun, Zeyus,   and the right  Heracles had to own the fire flame or the arrow of his father, sun , the symbolic deer  she  had no anger against  Heracles.


                               Upon bringing the hind to Eurystheus, he was told that it was to become part of the King's   menagerie. Heracles knew that he had to return the hind as he had promised, so he agreed to hand it over on the condition that Eurystheus himself come out and take it from him. The King came out, but the moment Heracles let the hind go, it sprinted back to its mistress, and Heracles left saying that Eurystheus had not been quick enough. Eurystheus, upset that Heracles had managed to overcome yet another creature, told him to bring the fearsome   Erymanthian Boar   back to him alive.

                                    Since the arrow of the goddess of the  hunt  Artemis, the hind  is so fast  than any other arrows  of mortals ,   the mortal  Eurystheus could not catch the  hind.


                                      4.   Capture the Erymoanthiyan Boar  .

                                [  _Boar ]

                     Erymanthian Boar was a giant fear-inspiring creature of the wilds that lived on Mount Erymanthos, a mountain that was apparently once sacred to the Mistress of the Animals, for in classical times it remained the haunt of Artemis. A boar was a dangerous animal: "When the goddess turned a wrathful countenance upon a country, as in the story of   Meleager, she would send a raging boar, which laid waste the farmers' fields." In some accounts,  Apollo sent the boar to kill Adonis, a favorite of Aphrodite, as revenge for the goddess blinding Apollo's son  Erymanthu s   when he saw her bathing. Robert Graves suggested that Aphrodite had been substituted for Artemis in this retelling of the  my theme  of the eponymous Erymanthus. The most commonly accepted version, however, states that Ares turned himself into a boar and killed Adonis out of jealousy.

                                 Erymanthus  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  Ery- manthan  or   Arima - Nanthan .  Eri  in Tamil is red fire. Arima in Tamil means the lion.  Ma Nathan  means the eternal fire, the sun . No doubt  Erymanthus was the son of Apollo, the sun god .  Boar is a symbol of fertility   and rebirth  and hence it was considered sacred to the goddess Artemis  as well as to   Apollo.   Aphrodite  naked  body   was extraordinarily   bright   since she was the A [thi] Peru   Thee  Athee ,   that made   Erimanthus's  eyes  blind.   Adonis is the corrupted form of the Tamil name A thanan, the sun.



                                                  Heracles had visited Chiron to gain advice on how to catch the boar, and Chiron had told him to drive it into thick snow, which sets this Labour in mid-winter. Having successfully caught the Boar, Heracles bound it and carried it back to   Eurystheus , who was frightened of it and ducked down in his half-buried storage   pithos , begging Heracles to get rid of the beast, a favorite subject for the vase-painters. Heracles obliged.   Three days later, Eurystheus, still trembling with fear, sent Heracles to clean the   Augean stables.


             During  the time of  heavy snow  fall, the Boars are vulnerable  as they used to wander farther and more for  food and  females.  Chiron is the corrupted form of the  Tamil name  Keeran .


                                         5.Clean the  Augean  stables.


                                                 In   Greek mythology,   Augeas   , whose name means "bright", was king of   Elis   and father of   Epicaste. Some say that Augeas  was one of the   Argonauts. He is best known for his stables, which housed the single greatest number of cattle in the country and had never been cleaned—until the time of the great hero   Heracles.


                                    The fifth   Labour of Heracles   was to clean the Augean stables.    This assignment was intended to be both humiliating (rather than impressive, as had the previous labours) and impossible, since the livestock were divinely healthy (immortal) and therefore produced an enormous quantity of   dung. These stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Heracles succeeded by rerouting the rivers   Alpheus   and  Peneus  to wash out the filth.


                         Augeas was irate because he had promised Heracles one tenth of his cattle if the job was finished in one day. He refused to honour the agreement, and Heracles killed him after completing the tasks. Heracles gave his kingdom to Augeas' son   Phyleus , who had been exiled for supporting Heracles against his father.


                                  The success of this labour was ultimately discounted because the rushing waters had done the work of cleaning the stables and because Heracles was paid. Eurystheus, stating that Heracles still had seven labours to do, then sent Heracles to defeat the Stymphalian Birds.


                                  Augeas  is the corrupted form of the  Tamil name  A theeyan or  Athee iaiyan  the sun god   and no doubt he was bright.  Argonaut  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  Arakkan  Athee  The single  greatest number of cattle  signifies the stars of the  dark sky, the stable.   No doubt it was owned by Augeas. The dung could be the dark clouds. ‘washing away the dark clouds'  means to  bring rain  and make the dark sky  in to the bright and clear one so that the cattle or the stars  look fresh and sparkling.  The river could mean the milky way of the solar system.



                                       6.    Slay the     Stymphalian  birds.


                                           In   Greek mythology, the   Stymphalian birds   were man-eating   birds   with beaks of bronze   and sharp   metallic   feathers they could launch at their victims, and were pets of  Ares , the god of war. Furthermore, their dung was highly toxic. They had migrated to a lake in   Arcadia   to escape a pack of   wolves, and bred quickly and took over the countryside, destroying local crops, fruit trees and towns people.



                                    After cleaning the   Augean Stables, Eurystheus sent Heracles to defeat the Stymphalian Birds. Heracles could not go too far into the swamp, for it would not support his weight. Athena, noticing the hero's plight, gave Heracles a rattle which   Hephaestus   had made especially for the occasion. Heracles shook the rattle and frightened the birds into the air. Heracles thenshot many of them with his poisoned arrows. The rest flew far away, never to return. The   Argonauts   would   later encounter them. Heracles then brought some of the birds he had killed to Eurystheus, who then sent Heracles to capture the   Cretan Bull   and bring it to him.

                         Ares is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Aran or Ma Aran or Oraiyan.  [S]Tyamphalian is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Thee-  Ambalam which is nothing but the red sky. The birds are the stars of that sky.



                                   7.  Capture the  Cretan bull


                            Whistling merrily at his success so far,  Heracles  was then sent to capture the bull by  Eurystheus  as his  seventh task . He sailed to Crete, whereupon the King,  Minos , gave Heracles permission to take the bull away and offered him assistance, which Heracles denied because of pride, as it had been wreaking havoc on Crete by uprooting crops and leveling orchard walls. Heracles sneaked up behind the bull and then used his hands to strangle it, and then shipped it back to  Athens. Eurystheus, who hid in his  pithos  at first sight of the creature, wanted to sacrifice the bull to Hera, who hated Heracles. She refused the sacrifice because it reflected glory on Heracles. The bull was released and wandered into Marathon, becoming known as the Marathonian Bull.  Theseus would later sacrifice the bull to Athena and/or Apollo. Eurystheus then sent Heracles to bring back the man-eating Mares of Diomedes.[www. _ bull]


                 Eurystheus  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  Eri sadaiyan   or Eri sathayan. Eri  Sadayan  is lord Siva  with red and burning  hair flocks the sun rays .   Crete is the Tamil  Karai  Theevu.  Cretan king Minon is the corrupted form of the   name of Tamil king Minan or Minavan, lord Siva or the sun god.  Meenaksi is Siva's  wife's name.  Meenam in Tamil   also denotes the ‘fish' of the sea apart from the fish of the sky , the star.   Hera , Tamil Arava ,showed  no  interest to sacrifice the  Cretan bull  as  the bull is the Vahanam  of her  husband    Zeus  although her main intention was to  tease Zeus [ lord Siva , the Seyon]  with his own son , Hercules, Tamil  Aravu kaliyon [ snake player]   to appease the sun god.   by  torturing the bull.   Marathonian   was the Corrupted form of the Tamil name Ma orai Theeyan. Who is none other than Zeus himself [ God Siva]. The famous  “Marathon “run  by the  Greek  Soldier , Pheidippides [ ?  Tamil  pidi  pidi  ]  from the battle of Marathon to Athens  was  equated  with the  great,  the non stopping, never ending  ,eternal  running  of the sun god Zeus , Seyon.   Later ,  Theseus  , Tamil  Thee  Seyon   sacrificed the bull to  Apollo , since Apollo , himself  is the sun god  and  the  bull  could be  an  ordinary bull[ not the Cretan bull ] , sacrificed  in  a routine  ritual ceremony 


                                        8. Steal the Mares of Diomedes


                       The  Mares of  Diomedes , also called the  Mares of Thrace , were four man-eating horses of Greek mythology. Reportedly magnificent, wild, and uncontrollable, they belonged to the giant    Diomedes  (not to be confused with Diomedes, son of  Tydeus ]  , king of Thrace , a son of Ares and Cyrene who lived on the shores of the Black Sea.   Bucephalus , Alexander the Great's horse was said to be descended from these mares.


                                    After capturing the   Cretan bull,   Heracles   next task was to steal the Diomedean Mares.   In one version of the story,   Heracles brought a number of youths to help him. They took the mares but were chased away by Diomedes and his men.


                                        Heracles was not aware that the horses, Podagros (the fast), Lampon (the shining), Xanthos (the blond) and Deimos (the terrible), were kept tethered to a bronze manger because they were mad; their madness being attributed to an unnatural diet of human flesh.


                         Heracles stayed awake so that he didn't have his throat cut by  Diomedes in the night; he then cut the chains binding the horses and scared the horses onto nearby high ground. Heracles then dug a trench through the peninsula, filling it with water, thus isolating the horses on an island. When Diomedes returned Heracles killed him with an axe, the same axe he used to dig the trench, and fed the body to the mares  to calm them.    Once subdued Heracles was easily able to take them back to King   Eurystheus   who dedicated the horses to   Hera . [   of_ Diomedes]  


                           The myth of   Heracles and the  Mares of  Diomedes  is purely a Dravidian story.  Mares  is the corrupted form of the Tamil word Maran [ Ma   Orai  yan],  the sun god  whose Chariot  is pulled by the Mares ,the fire  flames , the horses  themselves .  The horses are equated here for their the speed   with that of fire flames or the sun rays .

                             Diomedes is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Thee Mathiyon  [ one who has the knowledge  like that of the sun]. Thrace   is the corrupted form of the Tamil  name Thee Ra[a]sam [  later corrupted to ‘ Thee Rassiyam'  or  ‘Rajiyam'  or  the  Kingdom  ] . Alexander's horse, Bucephalus is the Tamil Pasu Balan   or Pasa balan .   Alexander is the  corrupted form of the Tamil name ‘ Alagu  sundar' or ‘Alagu sandiran' or  ‘Alagu sundram'  or  Alagu  Kanthan .


                               The ‘man eating   horses ‘  mean    , the ritual   human sacrifice  done periodically to appease  the   fire  [Thee]  god  or the sun god.  The four horses symbolically  represents the four aspects of the fire or the sun , namely     glistening , the Lampon[ La- is the  white or the bright or the moon in Tamil],  Deimon [ the terrible or the great red fire -- Thee maan -- Thamam is a related word ], Xanthos , the blond [ the Tamil  Santhon  or Chanthan  , the yellow color of the fire  or the Chandiran , the   yellow moon ]  and the  fast  Pudokros , the Tamil  Bootha Karan , the giant   fire flame.   The madness of the horses is   actually   attributed to   the madness of   the worshippers who made human sacrifice to the fire [to the horses] god.


                                   Heracles  stayed awake  during the whole night , because the sun or the fire god never sleeps in the night. Capturing the Mares inside the island   buy Heracles was to ensure that the Fire flames, the mares would not take risks to cross the water of the trench. Heracles killed  Diomedes  not with the axe  but by drowning him in the    water of the trench  since Diomedes [ Thee Mathiyon ]  himself  is the  representation of  fire  per se.   In literal sense,   it  was a  human[ Deomedes ]  sacrifice  to the Mares , the fire flames  or the fire god. dedication of the mares  to Hera  means  subduing the  sun god or fire god   Zeus ,  her husband  to  Hera  by [ Zeus' son] Heracles  himself!


                       9.    Obtain the Girdle of   Hippolyta, Queen of the   Amazons .


                                             In Greek mythology,  Hippolyta Hippoliyte , or  Hippolyte  was the Amazonian queen who possessed a magical girdle she was given by her father Ares, the god of war. The girdle was a waist belt that signified her authority as queen of the Amazons. She figures prominently in the myths of both Heracles and  Theseus.

          The  belt  signifies the   potency  in general  and sexual potency[ power of the hips] in particular. Hence the belt given by Ares to the Amazonian queen Hippolyte is more of a masculine and a highly potent one.  A mazoni  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  [A]  Ma  Sani [ Amman], the goddess of Tamil Nadu.    Theseus is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Thee seyon.


                       The myth of Heracles, Hippolyta's girdle was the object of his ninth labor. He was sent to retrieve it for  Admeta, the daughter of King  Eurystheus. Most versions of the story say that Hippolyta was so impressed with Heracles that she gave him the girdle without argument, perhaps while visiting him on his ship. Then (according to Apollodorus), the goddess Hera, making herself appear as one of the Amazons, spread a rumor among them that Heracles and his crew were actually abducting their queen. So the Amazons attacked the ship. In the fray that followed, Heracles slew Hippolyta, stripped her of the belt, fought off the attackers, and sailed away.


     Admeta  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Athi mathi .


                               10.    Obtain the cattle of the monster  Geryon


                                            In   Greek mythology,   Geryon   son of   Chrysaor and   Callirrhoe   and grandson of   Medusa, was a fearsome   giant   who dwelt on the island   Erytheia   of the mythic Hesperides   in the far west of the   Mediterranean. A more literal-minded later generation of Greeks associated the region with   Tartessos   in southern Iberia.


                                Geryon  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Kariyan. Chrysaor is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Kary  Seyon .Calli rrhoe  is the Tamil  Kali Orai  or Kali  Arava.  Kali is the wife of Lord Siva.  Kali means  ‘beautiful'  in Greek. Medusa is the Tamil  Mathi sa  or Sumathee. Hesperides is the Tamil   Aa-  Paeridam. Tartessos is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Tharai  Desam.

          Geryon was often described as a monster with human faces. According to   Hesiod   Geryon had one body and three heads, whereas the tradition followed by   Aeschylus   gave him three bodies.   A lost description by   Stesichoros   said that he has six hands and six feet and is winged;   there are some mid-sixth-century   Chalcidian   vases portraying Geryon as winged. Some accounts state that he had six legs as well while others state that the three bodies were joined to one pair of legs. Apart from these bizarre features, his appearance was that of a warrior. He owned a two-headed   hound   named   Orthrus, which was the brother of   Cerberus, and a herd of magnificent red cattle that were guarded by Orthrus, and a herder   Eurytion, son of   Erytheia.


                    Chalcidia is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  Kalai  suda , the mornig star. The symbolism of  three heads or bodies  signify the that  Geryon  or kariyan  is  an  immortal  monster , the sun god  Lord siva or the Greek zeus. Remember Zeus  himself was called as Kariya  or Cariya .Orthrus is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  ‘Orai tharan ‘. The red cattle symbolizes the red  stars of the sky. Eurytion  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name  Eri Theeyon[ the ruler of the red fire , the sun ]  or orai theeyon   . Eritheia  is the Tamil   Eri Theeyam[ the place where the Red[ eri]  fire [thee] is  placed] .   Eri theia  is the western end  where the sun sets down.


                                     In the fullest account in the   Bibliotheke   of Pseudo-Apollodoros,   Heracles   was required to travel to   Erytheia, in order to obtain the Cattle of Geryon as his   tenth labour. On the way there, he crossed the   Libyan   desert   and became so frustrated at the heat that he shot an arrow at   Helios, the Sun. Helios "in admiration of his courage" gave Heracles the golden cup he used to sail across the sea from west to east each night. Heracles used it to reach Erytheia, a favorite motif of the   vase-painters. Such a magical conveyance undercuts any literal geography for Erytheia, the "red island" of the sunset.

                     Helios the corrupted form of the Tamil name  Ozhiyon  , the sun . The cup  is the boat of the sun  god' Ra' as in Egyptian myths , to travel the underworld.


                             When Heracles reached Erytheia, no sooner had he landed than he was confronted by the two-headed dog,    Orthrus. With one huge blow from his olive-wood club, Heracles killed the watchdog.   Eurytion   the herdsman came to assist Orthrus, but Heracles dealt with him the same way.


                                 The two heads of Orthrus symbolizes the watchful eyes for day and night.   


                        On hearing the commotion, Geryon sprang into action, carrying three shields, three spears, and wearing three helmets. He pursued Heracles at the River Anthemus but fell victim to an arrow that had been dipped in the venomous blood of the   Lernaean Hydra, shot so forcefully by Heracles that it pierced Geryon's forehead, "and Geryon bent his neck over to one side, like a poppy that spoils its delicate shapes, shedding its petals all at once".

                                            Antemus is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Anthi mum, the western end or the tail end   of the dead end of the cosmos where the sun sets in.


                                     Heracles then had to herd the cattle back to   Eurystheus. In Roman versions of the narrative, on the   Aventine   hill in   Italy,   Cacus   stole some of the cattle as Heracles slept, making the cattle walk backwards so that they left no trail, a repetition of the trick of the young   Hermes. According to some versions, Heracles drove his remaining cattle past a cave, where Cacus had hidden the stolen animals, and they began calling out to each other. In others,   Caca, Cacus' sister, told Heracles where he was. Heracles then killed Cacus, and according to the Romans, founded an altar where the   Forum Boarium, the cattle market, was later held.


                             Cacun is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Gukan. kugai or Kukai  in Tamil means cave. Hence ‘Gukan' means the ‘cave dweller'.Hermes is the corrupted form of the Tamil name ‘ Araman'.



                                                      To annoy Heracles,   Hera   sent a   gadfly   to bite the cattle, irritate them and scatter them. The hero was within a year able to retrieve them. Hera then sent a flood which raised the level of a river so much, Heracles could not cross with the cattle. He piled stones into the river to make the water shallower. When he finally reached the court of Eurystheus, the cattle were sacrificed to Hera.


                      Hera , the Tamil  Arava , the snake, necklace of lord siva ,  wife of Greek Zeus,  sent a flood  since the cattle were actually  the fire balls.



                                            11. Steal the apples of the  Hesperides



                                        In Greek mythology, the  Hesperides  are nymphs who tend a blissful garden in a far western corner of the world, located near the neighbourhood of Cyrene or Benghazi in Libya or the Atlas mountains in North Africa at the edge of  the ocean . The name means  originating from Hesperus , the evening star Venus, equivalent to  vesper .                 



        Hesperides is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Aa -paeridasi. Dasi  means  the nymph.


,                                  Ordinarily the Hesperides number three, like the other Greek triads (the   Three Graces   and the   Moirai). "Since the Hesperides themselves are mere symbols of the gifts the apples embody, they cannot be actors in a human drama. Their abstract, interchangeable names are a symptom of their impersonality," Evelyn Harrison has observed.

           Moirai is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Ma orai.


                                      Nevertheless, among the names given to them, though never all at once, are Aegle ("dazzling light"), Arethusa, Erytheia (or Erytheis) and Hesperia (alternatively Hespereia, Hespere, Hespera, Hesperusa or Hesperethoosa). Lipara, Asterope and Chrysothemis are named in a Hesperide scene of the apotheosis of   Heracles    (romanised   to   Hercules) on a late fifth-century hydria by the   Meidias Painter   in London. They are sometimes called the Western Maidens, the Daughters of Evening or   Erythrai , and the "Sunset Goddesses", designations all apparently tied to their imagined location in the distant west.   Hesperis   is appropriately the personification of the evening (as   Eos   is of the dawn) and the Evening Star is Hesperus. In addition to their tending of the garden, they were said to have taken great pleasure in singing.


                        Aegla is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Aathi la which means the primordial light. Arethusa is the Tamil Orai dasi. Hesperethoosa  is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Aa peri Dasi.  Dasi's are the nymphs in India. Erithrai  is purely the Tamil word Eri Thirai, the red sky of the evening hours. Eri in Tamil means the red sun and  the ‘thirai ‘in Tamil  is  the sky  .



                        They are sometimes portrayed as the evening daughters of Night ( Nyx ) either alone    or with Darkness ( Erebus in) accord with the way Eos in the farthermost east, in   Colchis, is the daughter of the titan    Hyperion. Or they are listed as the daughters of   Atlas, or of   Zeus, and either   Hesperius   or   Themis, or   Phorcys   and   Ceto.


                     Hyprerion is the corrupted form of the Tamil name' Aa periyon'  , the sun .Zeus is the Tamil god Seyon, Siva. Themis is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Thee Maan. Phorcys  is the Tamil  Par Seyon.



                  Erytheia   ("the red one") is one of the Hesperides. The name was applied to an island close to the coast of southern   Hispania, which was the site of the original Punic colony of   Gades   (modern Cadiz).   Pliny's Natural History   records of the island of Gades: "On the side which looks towards Spain, at about 100 paces distance, is another long island, three miles wide, on which the original city of Gades stood. By Ephorus and Philistides it is called Erythia, by Timæus and Silenus Aphrodisias, and by the natives the Isle of Juno." The island was the seat of   Geryon, who was overcome by   Heracles.


    Erytheia is simply the western corner of the cosmos where the sun sets down.


                                                 After Heracles completed his first ten   Labours,   Eurystheus   gave him two more claiming that neither the Hydra counted (because   Iolaus   helped Heracles) nor the Augean stables (either because he received payment for the job or because the rivers did the work). The first of these two additional Labours was to steal the apples from the garden of the Hesperides. Heracles first caught the   Old Man of the Sea,   the shape-shifting sea god, to learn where the Garden of the Hesperides was located.


                           In some variations, Heracles, either at the start or at the end of his task, meets   Antaeus, who was invincible as long as he touched his mother,   Gaia, the earth. Heracles killed Antaeus by holding him aloft and crushing him in a bearhug. Herodotus   claims that Heracles stopped in   Egypt, where   King Busiris   decided to make him the yearly sacrifice, but Heracles burst out of his       


                     Antaeus is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Anthiyan , the evening sun ,Sekaran, who will   naturally become invincible on touching the Gaia, [ Kayam ]  from the sky while setting down in the evening.


                                Finally making his way to the Garden of the Hesperides, Heracles tricked   Atlas   into retrieving some of the golden apples for him, by offering to hold up the heavens for a little while (Atlas was able to take them as, in this version, he was the father or otherwise related to the Hesperides). This would have made this task – like the Hydra and Augean stables – void because he had received help. Upon his return, Atlas decided that he did not want to take the heavens back, and instead offered to deliver the apples himself, but Heracles tricked him again by agreeing to take his place on condition that Atlas relieve him temporarily so that Heracles could make his cloak more comfortable. Atlas agreed, but Heracles reneged and walked away, carrying the apples. According to an alternative version, Heracles slew   Ladon   instead.


            There is another variation to the story where Heracles was the only person to steal the apples, other than   Perseus, although   Athena   later returned the apples to their rightful place in the garden. They are considered by some to be the same "apples of joy" that tempted   Atalanta, as opposed to the "apple of discord" used by   Eris   to start a beauty contest on Olympus (which caused "The Siege of Troy").


                         Apple symbolically signifies the knowledge of sexuality or fertility .  The western maidens or the evening women or nymphs or the  Dasi  will teach  the men   about that  secret knowledge  in the   late evening hours when the sun sets down in the  Eritheeyam .  Simply the apple signifies   ‘the  baby'  or  the ‘red balls of the sky'.  The   apple  Of  Eritheia    is the  ‘ Gnana Pazham ‘  of   Dravidian myth of  Lord Murugan  versus  Ganesan .In this Dravidian story the apple or the' Gnana Pazham ‘ is about  the knowledge  of  the  cosmos  ,  and the day and night cycle etc.


                                                        12.capture and  bring back Cerberus.


                                                     The common depiction of Cerberus in Greek mythology and art is as having three heads. In most works, the three heads each respectively see and represent the past, the present, and the future, while other sources suggest the heads represent birth, youth, and old age.   Each of Cerberus' heads is said to have an appetite only for live meat and thus allow only the spirits of the dead to freely enter the underworld, but allow none to leave. Cerberus was always employed as Hades' loyal watchdog, and guarded the gates that granted access and exit to the underworld.


                           Cerberus is the corrupted form of the Tamil  name  Kurubaran  and he is  the watch dog of Hades, Tamil  Athen or the  Egyptian  Aten, the sun god  who is the ruler of  the three worlds . Kuru means the teacher , the sun god.   The three heads of  Cerberus  also signify the  sun god [   representative of sun god] who  was  there yesterday,  present today and will  be  in the future, forever.  Kala  Bairavan , lord Siva's  companion was a dog  by name  Shvan. The dog  is the messenger of sun god , the ruler of the three worlds.


                                                             Capturing Cerberus, without using weapons, was the final labour assigned to   Heracles (Hercules) by   King Eurystheus.


                                           After having been given the task, Heracles went to   Eleusis   to be initiated in the   Eleusinian Mysteries   so he could learn how to enter and exit the underworld alive, and in passing absolve himself for killing centaurs. He found the entrance to the underworld at   Tanaerum , and   Athena and   Hermes   helped him to traverse the entrance in each direction. He passed   Char on   with Hestia's assistance and his own heavy and fierce frowning.

                      Since  Heracles was the  son of the sun god  Zesus,   it is no wonder that  Athena ,twin sister of Apollo , the sun god  would  help him   to enter and leave the underworld safely. It seems  Heracles  did  all  the   adventures  - 12 labours   only with the support of Sun god Zeus  including the capture of  the Cerberus. 



                                           Heracles found   Hades   and asked permission to bring Cerberus to the surface, to which Hades agreed if Heracles could overpower the beast without using weapons. Heracles was able to overpower Cerberus and proceeded to sling the beast over his back, dragging it out of the underworld through a cavern entrance in the   Peloponnese   and bringing it to Eurystheus. The king was so frightened of the beast, he jumped into a   pithos , and asked Heracles to return it to the underworld in return for releasing him from his labours.


                                      Peloponnese is the corrupted form of the Tamil name Pala  Appa Naesan. Since Heracles  came out  of the  underworld  he  had   necessarily to be an immortal


                                                  However   at the end   Heracles  died  of the poison  of the  Hydra,  the  poison  of the  Athi  Arava ,  , the  venom of the placenta ,  Hera  , his step mother . Such is the power of mother goddess   against  the evil  doings  of patriarchal society against an illegitimate relationship . Is there   a  possibility  to think  that  Alcimene   or Alagu Mani ,  a Dravidian woman ,  was the mother of  Heracles  and   Hellenistic  Hera  was against   such  racial mix up?!  The 10  labours   signify  symbolically  the 10 lunar months of   gestation    and   the  death of Heracles  at the  end  signifies  the delivery  of a  still  born  child , Herecles,  the  Dravidian  Aravu kaliyon , the snake player.
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