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Matsya a Avathar


………then the deluge came, an endless surge of rain and the sea began to rise with the waves beginning to engulf the land. Manu and his companions launched the ship on the turbulent waves and then they saw a gigantic fish with golden scales and a massive horn appear before them. Manu tied the ship to the horn of the fish using a serpent as a rope and the fish rode above the waves and pulled the ship to safety.


The golden fish here symbolically represents the successful sperm of seminal fluid. The seeds of successive generations kept in the ship is the embryo which, represents Manu itself. The embryo which is tied to a safer place in the uterus is by the ‘serpent' which is the ‘placenta'. This human fertility psychology is later absorbed into the puranas where the fish, (seeds of human generation) the preserver of the life is called as The  G od ‘Vishnu'.




Vishnu asks the Gods to use mount mandara as a stick and the snake  V asuki as the rope and churn the sea of milk. The Gods promised a share of  A mirtha to the asuras and then using the snake  V asuki as the rope and mandara as the stick they began the mighty churning of the sea of milk.  T he movement was so violent that the slopes of the mountain became red hot and all the creatures living there were close to dying. So  I ndra sent a shower of  rain to cool the mountain and saved the creatures. As the asuras and gods pulled and twisted, the heavy mandara threatened to break through the surface of the earth itself and again the gods prayed to Vishnu for help. Vishnu then took the form of a giant  tortoise and placed himself below the mountain as a pivot so that the churning could continue. Poor Vasuki suffered greatly from all the pulling while churning the gods were holding her tail and the asuras had her head. Her venom began to pour out of her mouth in a stream that threatened to destroy all animals, birds, and trees on earth and even the demons and the gods. In great distress they all called out to shiva to save them and even Vishnu joined their prayers. Shiva saved all creatures by drinking this poison that burnt his neck and turned it a dark blue that earned him the name of  N ilkanta.


Finally the hard work began to bear fruit and mystical and magical things began to rise to the surface. First appeared surabhi, then  V aruni then  P arijata, Chandra,  L akshmi, Rambha, Vahhaisravas, Karustubha, Airavat, Shankha, Shanus and finally Dhanvantari. Dhavantari, the physician of the gods and the inventor of the ayurveda system of medicine, rose of the surface carrying, the pot of amirita ie amrita kumbha.



             T he mount Mandara represents the UTERUS and the sea of milk  represents the amniotic fluid in the uterus [it is not actually sea of milk. It's only a pot of (uterus) milk]. Vasuki, the serpent represents the umbilical cord and the tortoise representes the placenta, which anchors the foetus in the right place of uterus . The poison which Siva took was the aspirated amniotic fluid leading to blue baby syndrome which made him to be called as  Neelakandan and  thus  saving  the  human  race.

            This is simple Human fertility psychology where the placenta which helps preserving the life of the foetus and the life of the human race later gets associated with the bed of the preservator of the cosmic life, God Vishnu lying in the  sea  of  milk. 




             The first mentioned of a God taking the form of a giant boar can be found in the Taittriiya samhita where it is said that prithivi, the earth goddess had sunk into the bottom of the ocean and all creation was threatened with destruction.  Brahma took the form of a boar, dived down to the see bed and raised prittivi to the surface carrying her on his tusk.

            By the time the mythology of the Varaga Avathar was being told in the puranas, the boar has been transformed into the Avatar of Vishnu and a simple tale of rescue of the earth goddess now had another tale of Vishnu battling a demon (hiranyaksha) woven into it.  



            While the Matsya, Kuruma Avthar stories are based on the Human fertility psychology the Varaga Avathar is based on agricultural fertility psychology. That is after the deluge the land immersed inthes water has to be recaptured for agricultural use. In earlier days apart from  S heeps,  G oats, buffalos, Cows, Pigs are used to plough the land. (although pigs are difficult to domesticate). The female pig is called sow.  The word ‘sowing' would have from the word ‘sow'. In Celtic Mythology the boar was sacred to the goddess Arduinna. In Norse Mythology the boar was generally associated with fertility as well as a protective talisman in war, due to the animal's fierce nature

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